Initial findings on patient characteristics and event likelihood provide insights related to Beovu use in wet AMD1,2
Follows establishment of multi-disciplinary expert coalition and Novartis commitment to sharing data and findings with ophthalmology community
Despite existing therapies, significant unmet need still exists for wet AMD patients; data shows around half of patients have unresolved fluid, with a third requiring monthly injections3,4 RSS Feed RSS Feed2020-11-13 23:45:002020-11-13 23:45:00Results from real-world data and post-hoc analysis of Novartis Beovu® pivotal trials presented at AAO 2020
Pooled data analyses from Phase III ORION-9, -10 and -11 showed that inclisiran consistently reduced low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) by approximately 51% in both male and female adult patients and in three age categories1,2
Sustained LDL-C reduction with inclisiran was observed regardless of age or gender differences1,2 with two doses a year, after an initial dose and then again at three months; the overall … RSS Feed RSS Feed2020-11-13 16:00:002020-11-13 16:00:00New Novartis analyses for investigational inclisiran demonstrate consistently effective and sustained LDL-C reduction at month 17 regardless of age and gender